Parent-Teacher Partnership: Building a Culture of Respect
“Parent-Teacher Partnership: Building a Culture of Respect
As a student affairs practitioner, I’ve often witnessed a concerning trend in Nigerian schools. When teachers discipline students for misbehaviour, some parents respond with hostility and defensiveness. This not only undermines the teacher’s authority but also misses an opportunity to teach children valuable life lessons.
Let’s work together to create a culture of respect and responsibility! Parents, let’s take the lead in teaching our children good morals, values, and character at home. This includes respect for authority figures like teachers, dressing appropriately, and demonstrating good behavior.
By doing so, we’ll raise a generation of students who are not only academically excellent but also well-rounded, respectful, and responsible. Let’s support our teachers and work together to build a positive school culture.
Share your thoughts and let’s start a conversation!”
Hello MR. Gabriel, this is David from the Philippines thank you for this information
Much welcome
This is wonderful
Thank you, Danny!
This is Desmond from The Philippines
Thank you, Nna.
Thank you, Prof.
Kedu ka i-mere, nna
Thank you, Professor.
Good morals, values & character should be encouraged. Shouldn’t be left for only the teachers but much more parents. This is because, they have a lifetime to spend with their children.
Good job Dr. Gabriel.
Thank you, Mrs. Peace.
Nice one
Thank you sir
This is beautiful!